Unit ftpsend

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables





Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TFTPListRec Object for holding file information
Class TFTPList This is TList of TFTPListRec objects.
Class TFTPSend Implementation of FTP protocol.

Functions and Procedures

function FtpGetFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean;
function FtpPutFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean;
function FtpInterServerTransfer( const FromIP, FromPort, FromFile, FromUser, FromPass: string; const ToIP, ToPort, ToFile, ToUser, ToPass: string): Boolean;


TLogonActions = array [0..17] of byte;
TFTPStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Response: Boolean; const Value: string) of object;


cFtpProtocol = '21';
cFtpDataProtocol = '20';
FTP_OK = 255;
FTP_ERR = 254;


Functions and Procedures

function FtpGetFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean;

A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the TFtpSend object. Dowload specified file from FTP server to LocalFile.

function FtpPutFile(const IP, Port, FileName, LocalFile, User, Pass: string): Boolean;

A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the TFtpSend object. Upload specified LocalFile to FTP server.

function FtpInterServerTransfer( const FromIP, FromPort, FromFile, FromUser, FromPass: string; const ToIP, ToPort, ToFile, ToUser, ToPass: string): Boolean;

A very useful function, and example of use can be found in the TFtpSend object. Initiate transfer of file between two FTP servers.


TLogonActions = array [0..17] of byte;

Array for holding definition of logon sequence.

TFTPStatus = procedure(Sender: TObject; Response: Boolean; const Value: string) of object;

Procedural type for OnStatus event. Sender is calling TFTPSend object. Value is FTP command or reply to this comand. (if it is reply, Response is True).


cFtpProtocol = '21';
cFtpDataProtocol = '20';
FTP_OK = 255;

Terminating value for TLogonActions

FTP_ERR = 254;

Terminating value for TLogonActions

Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2012-04-23 21:38:50