@@EasyListview.TEasyOwnedInterfacedPersistent.Owner Description \ \ The that is associated with the instance of this object. @@EasyListview.TEasyOwnedPersistent.LoadFromStream@TStream Description \ \ Loads the object using the passed stream @@EasyListview.TEasyOwnedPersistent.SaveToStream@TStream Description \ \ Save the current state of the object to the passed stream. @@EasyListview.TEasyOwnedPersistent.OwnerListview \ \ Description \ \ The that is associated with the instance of this object. @@EasyListview.TEasyOwnedPersistent Description \ \ The class that is the basis for any object that is owned by the @@EasyListview.TEasyOwnedInterfacedPersistent Description \ \ The class that is the basis for any object that is 1. owned by the 2. Is reference counted and will be automatically destroyed when all references to it are released. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.Drag@TCanvas@TPoint@TEasyKeyStates@TEasyDropEffect \ \ Description \ \ @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.AutoScrollAccelerator Description \ \ Allows to to be non linear as the user moves the mouse closer to the edge of the window. This number is multiplied by the number \of pixels the mouse is away from the point where autoscroll is initiated. As the user move the mouse closer to the edge \of the window the scroll speed is increased. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.AutoScroll Description \ \ If true the window will be autoscroll as the user moves the mouse to the edges of the window during a drag operation. @@Welcome \ \ Welcome to the EasyListview for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.AutoScrollDelay Description \ \ The time (in milliseconds) before the begins after it satisfies the condition to begin autoscrolling. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.AutoScrollDelayMet Description \ \ Set to true then the timer has timed out and the control can start an autoscroll. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.AutoScrolling Description \ \ Set true when the window is . @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.AutoScrollMargin Description \ \ Defines the number of pixels from the edge of the window where the timer will begin its count. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.AutoScrollTime Description \ \ The time (in milliseconds) between each event. Windows can not fire a timer any faster then 55ms so that will the the limit for scrolling speed. Use the to help speed up the scrolling if necessary. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.Dragging Description \ \ Set true if the object is in the middle of a dragging \operation. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.DragState Description \ \ The current state of the . @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.Enabled Description \ \ Enabled or disabled the drag feature in the . @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.MouseButton Description \ \ Defined which mouse buttons will be recognized as activating the desired drag operation. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.Registered Description \ \ The current state of the drag manager as to if it is currently registered with Windows as an OLE drag client/source. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase.Timer Description \ \ The timer that first times out the then is used to fire the scroll events to scroll the window. @@EasyListview.TEasyDragManagerBase Description \ \ Provides the basis for drag operation in EasyListview, including OLE Drag and Drop for the Listview/Header and Drag Selection rectangles. Any drag operation that would require the window to be autoscrolled is derived from this class. @@Theory of Operation Description \ \ EasyListview is based on the concept of Managers, Grids and Views. @@EasyListview.TEasyPersistent.Create Description \ \ Creates an instance of the object. @@EasyListview.TEasyPersistent.Destroy Description \ \ Destroys an instance of the object. @@EasyListview.TEasyPersistent Description \ \ Basis for all classes in the EasyListview package. @@EasyListview.TEasyOwnedPersistent.Create@TCustomEasyListview Description \ \ Creates an instance of the object. @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSize Description \ \ Defines the dimensions of the cell. This size is dependant on the type of the Listview is currently in. @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSize.Height Description \ \ The Height of each Cell in the , based on the view. @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSize.Width Description \ \ The Width of each Cell in the , based on the view. @@EasyListview.TEasyPersistent.Assign@TPersistent Description \ \ Assigns the property values from the Source object to the current object. @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSizeFilmStrip Description \ \ The size of each cell in the FilmStrip view . @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSizeIcon Description \ \ The size of each cell in the Large Icon view . @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSizeList Description \ \ The size of each cell in the List view . @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSizeReport Description \ \ The size of each cell in the Report (Details) view . @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSizeSmallIcon Description \ \ The size of each cell in the Small Icon view . @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSizeThumbnail Description \ \ The size of each cell in the Thumbnail view . @@EasyListview.TEasyCellSizeTile Description \ \ The size of each cell in the Tile view . @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Alignment Description \ \ Sets the Alignment of the text in the item. See the VCL documentation for more information. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Border Description \ \ Sets the width of the border of the control. This area is not used for the client area when the window contents are calculated. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.BorderColor Description \ \ Sets the color of the . @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Caption Description \ \ Sets the caption that is associated with the collection item. This data is associated with the main data (column). This data may be stored in the item, retrieved through callbacks \or accessed through interfaces. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageOverlayIndex Description \ \ Sets the Overlay Icon Index that is associated with the collection item. This data is associated with the main data (column). This data may be stored in the item, retrieved through callbacks or accessed through interfaces. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageOverlayIndexes Description \ \ Sets the Overlay Image indexes that are associated with the collection item. Each item can have multiple sub-data information that is shown in the Report or Tile views. This data may be stored in the item, retrieved through callbacks \or accessed through interfaces. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageIndexes Description \ \ Sets the Image indexes that are associated with the collection item. Each item can have multiple sub-data information that is shown in the Report or Tile views. This data may be stored in the item, retrieved through callbacks \or accessed through interfaces. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Captions Description \ \ Sets the Captions that are associated with the collection item. Each item can have multiple sub-data information that is shown in the Report (columns) or Tile views. This data may be stored in the item, retrieved through callbacks or accessed through interfaces. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageIndex Description \ \ Sets the Icon Index that is associated with the collection item. This data is associated with the main data (column). This data may be stored in the item, retrieved through callbacks or accessed through interfaces. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.CaptionIndent Description \ \ Defines how many pixels from the edge of the image the caption text should begin. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Checked Description \ \ Sets the state of the item to a checked state. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.CheckFlat Description \ \ The checkbox associated with the item will be drawn in a flat visual style. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.CheckHovering Description \ \ True if the mouse is hovering over the checkbox for the item. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.CheckIndent Description \ \ Sets the number of pixels from the edge of the control the checkbox is drawn. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.CheckPending Description \ \ True if the user has pressed the mouse button on a checkbox but not yet released it. If the mouse is moved outside of the checkbox area and then released the check event is not called. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.CheckSize Description \ \ Sets the size of the check box. In non-themed applications the size is a font size as these visual objects are stored in the Marlett font and the size is a font size. In themed applications this property will have no effect. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.CheckType Description \ \ Defines how the check will be visually drawn. It can be a box, circle or a blank space where the check would be drawn. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Clicking Description \ \ Set true if the mouse has been pressed on the item but not yet released. It allows for any "hot track" user interface attributes to be drawn. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Cut Description \ \ The item is being cut. "Cut" is defined by the application but visually the item will appear ghosted as it is blended with white. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Data Description \ \ User defined data that can be stored in the item. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Destroying Description \ \ The object is in the process of being destroyed. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.DetailCount Description \ \ The number if details the item supports. This is how the columns in Report view and details in Tile view are supported. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Details Description \ \ Maps the detail line (data) to the index to be used in calls to , , and y. This is how EasyListview maps which detail to use in the Tile mode for each line. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.DisplayRect Description \ \ \Returns the rectangle the entire item takes up in the entire viewport space. The result is in Viewport coordinates and not in Window coordinates based on the current scroll bar position. To map the Viewport coordinate to the current Window coordinates see and the MapXXXXXX methods. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Enabled Description \ \ Enabled and disables the item. A disable item will not respond to keyboard, or mouse input and will be grayed out. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Focused Description \ \ Set true if the item is receiving keyboard input, for instance to edit the text. The focused item will be drawn with a dashed box around the text. The box may be turned off via the . @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Hilighted Description \ \ Set true if the item is highlighted. Currently that is defined with the item is a drop target and it is drawn in a selected state while the mouse cursor is over the item. Do not rely on this to be the only definition of highlighted in the future. Use the to detect what the current drop target is. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageIndent Description \ \ The number of pixels from the edge of the control (or other UI object) to draw the image for the item. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageList Description \ \ ImageList to use for the item. A different imagelist may be used for each item and retrieved at runtime. This data may be stored in the item, retrieved through callbacks or accessed through interfaces. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Index Description \ \ The absolute index of the item in the that owns the item. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Initialized Description \ \ Set true if the item is initialized. An initialized item is defined as an item that EasyListview has had to query the data to draw the item to the screen. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.OwnerListview Description \ \ The that the item will be drawn in. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.PaintInfo Description \ \ The general information that tells EasyListview how to draw the item to the screen. This information is common to all items of that particular type. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Selected Description \ \ The item is selected and is drawn with a highlighted color around the caption and possibly a highlighted color on the it border, depending on the view. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.State Description \ \ The current state of the item. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Tag Description \ \ User defined data to be used as needed. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.VAlignment Description \ \ How the item's will be caption and possibly icons will be positioned in the cell rectangle. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Visible Description \ \ Sets the visibility of the item. Items in EasyListview may be hidden from the user but still be in the dataset. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.VisibleIndex Description \ \ The index of the item in the but only counting items that are . @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Create@TEasyCollection Description \ \ Creates an instance of the object. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ThumbnailDraw@TCanvas@TRect@TEasyAlphaBlender@Boolean Description \ \ Called when the EasyListview is in thumbnail view and the thumbnail needs to be drawn. Parameters ACanvas : Canvas to draw to ARect : The rectangle to draw to. Use the Viewport coordinates for this parameter, to not convert them into Window coordinates. AlphaBlender : Handles custom alpha blending for the thumbnail if desired. DoDefault : If true the default drawing will occur (normally the ExLarge Image will be drawn). See Also \ \ , , @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageDrawIsCustom@TEasyColumn@Boolean Description \ \ Called for each item to allow the application to do its own drawing of the image to the control. Parameters Column : The column the image is being drawn in. IsCustom : If the item is to be drawn by the application set to True. If False EasyListview will try to draw the image via the assigned ImageList.

If true and will be called. See Also , , @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageDrawGetSize@TEasyColumn@Integer@Integer Description \ \ Called if \returns as custom drawn to query for the size of the image that the application will draw. Parameters Column : The column the image is being drawn in. ImageW : The width of the image the application will draw when is called ImageH : The height of the image the application will draw when is called See Also , , @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.MakeVisible@TEasyMakeVisiblePos Description \ \ Makes the item visible in the current Easylistview Window. Parameters Position : Were to try to position the item in the window when it is scrolled into view. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.SaveToStream@TStream@Integer Description \ \ Called when the EasyListview is being written to a stream. Store data that needs to be persistent in this call. Parameters S : Stream to write to. Version\ : The current version of the EasyListview stream. Allows applications to load/save older versions of the streamed data. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.LoadFromStream@TStream@Integer Description \ \ Called when the EasyListview is being loaded from a stream. Restore data that needed to be persistent in this call. Parameters S : Stream to read from to. Version\ : The current version of the EasyListview stream. Allows applications to load/save older versions of the streamed data. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.Invalidate@Boolean Description \ \ Invalidate the client window so the control will be redrawn. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.SelectionHit@TRect@TEasySelectHitType Description \ \ Tests to see if the passed rectangle meets the criteria to cause the item to be selected by that rectangle. Parameters SelectViewportRect : Pass the viewport rectangle to test the item against. SelectType : Defines the type of selection to test for @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.SelectionHitPt@TPoint@TEasySelectHitType Description \ \ Tests to see if the passed point meets the criteria to cause the item to be selected by that point. Parameters ViewportPoint : Pass the viewport point to test the item against. SelectType : Type of selection to test for @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem Description \ \ Base object that defines common attributes and actions for user interface object within EasyListview. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.Count Description \ \ Number of \objects are in the collection. See Also \ \ @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.ItemClass Description \ \ The type of \objects to create when adding items to the collection. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.Items Description \ \ The list of . @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.OwnerListview Description \ \ The that the items will be drawn in. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.StoreInDFM Description \ \ Set to false to exclude the collection from being stored in the DFM during design time. For internal use. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.VisibleCount Description \ \ The number of objects in the list that are currently in the state. See Also \ \ @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.VisibleList Description \ \ List that holds the visible object references. See Also \ \ @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.List Description \ \ List that holds all references to the objects in the collection. See Also \ \ @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.Add@TObject Description \ \ Adds a new object to the list. See to define the class type of the object to create. Parameters Data : User defined data assigned to the newly created TEasyCollectionItem @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.Clear@Boolean Description \ \ Clears the list and frees the objects in the list. Parameters FreeItems : If true the TEasyCollectionItems are freed before the list is emptied @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.Delete@Integer Description \ \ Deletes and frees the item at the passed index Parameters Index : Absolute Index of the item in the list to delete. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.BeginUpdate@Boolean Description \ \ Called before adding large number of objects to the list. Lengthy operation that are called for each manipulation of the data are deferred until after is called. Every must have a matching call. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.EndUpdate@Boolean Description \ \ Called after adding large number of objects to the list. Lengthy \operation that are called for each manipulation of the data are deferred until after is called. Every must have a matching call. @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.Exchange@Integer@Integer Description \ \ Swaps the position of the two passed object indexes in the list. Parameters Index1 : Item to swap positions with Index2 Index2 : Item to swap positions with Index1 @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.Insert@Integer@TObject Description \ \ Creates a new TEasyCollectionItem and inserts it into the list at Index. Parameters Index : Index in the list to insert the newly created object Data : User defined data to associate with the newly created object @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.ReadItems@TStream Description \ \ Clears the collection, creates new object based on the number \of items previously written to stream then calls for each item. Parameters Stream : Stream to load create new items and initialize them with @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection.WriteItems@TStream Description \ \ Writes the number of object and then calls for each item Parameters Stream : Stream to save the collection items to @@EasyListview.TEasyCollection Description \ \ Stores and manipulates a list of s @@EasyListview.TEasyCollectionItem.ImageDraw@TEasyColumn@TCanvas@TEasyRectArrayObject@TEasyAlphaBlender Description \ \ Called when an item responds to telling EasyListview it will custom draw the image. Parameters Column : The column the image is being drawn in ACanvas : Canvas to draw the image to. ARect : Rectangle to draw the image to AlphaBlender : Handles custom alpha blending for the image if desired.

See Also ,, @@Components Summary \ \ The EasyListview Package consists of the following Components: * TEasyListview * * the Microsoft Listview with out using the Microsoft common control. It supports the views that are present in the Common Controls \version 6.0 such as Tile View and Thumbnail View. It also supports grouping. It supports Window 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and should work in Windows Vista. * TEasyTaskband * * TEasyListview to mimic the Explorer Taskbands that are available in the left hand pane of Windows Explorer * TEasyScrollButton * * Stand alone . Allow for interesting scrolling options for Thumbnails for instance.