
(public, read-only)
Image object. You need to access this object's LoadFromFile method to load new image. This object is of type TATImage, which is the same as TImage but with additional properties:
  • Resample: Enables image resampling after scaling.
  • ResampleDelay: Delay (in msec) between finishing of control resizing and beginning of the resampling operation.
  • ResampleBackColor: Color of image background. You need to pass the value of TATImageBox.Color here.


  • Use Image.Cursor to change default control cursor.
  • Resampling option is not supported under Win9x.

(public, read-only)
Original image width and height.
These values are updated when you call UpdateImageInfo method. You must call it immediately after you load a new image.
Current image scale in percents (%).
On ImageScale assignment, ImageFitToWindow property becomes False.
(public, read-only)
TLabel object that is the label over the left-top control corner.
Access ImageLabel's properties to change appearance of a label: Visible, Caption, Font etc.
ImageFitToWindow Enables to fit image (proportionally) to the current control client area.
If ImageFitOnlyBig = True and image is smaller than control size, image will not be scaled.
ImageFitOnlyBig Enables to fit only images larger than current control size.
ImageFitWidth Enables to fit only image's width, not height.
ImageFitHeight Enables to fit only image's height, not width.
Both ImageFitWidth/ImageFitHeight cannot be set.
ImageCenter Enables to center smaller images in control client area.
ImageKeepPosition Enables to keep image relative position on scaling.
ImageDrag Enables to drag large images by mouse.
ImageDragCursor Cursor used for image dragging state (default is crSizeAll).
To change cursor for default idle state, use Image.Cursor.
ImageScaleCursor Cursor used for image scaling state (default is crSizeNS).
Used when user scales image by (Left mouse button + Wheel) shortcut.
Focusable Enables control to catch focus on mouse click.