Versions history
1.7.5 (jan 2012):
- Added: event OnAfterPaint.
1.7.4 (jun 2011):
- Added: prop ImageFitWidth to fit only width.
- Added: prop ImageFitHeight.
- Changed: IncreaseScale minimal value is 1%.
1.7.2 (10.2007):
- Added: Mouse shortcut for zoom: left button + wheel.
- Changed: OnImageScaleChange event removed, OnOptionsChange added instead.
1.7.1 (08.2007):
- Fixed: Resampling is now disabled for animated GIFs and metafiles.
- Fixed: Resampling is now disabled under Win9x (it is supported only under NT).
1.7.0 (07.08.2007):
- Added: Image object is now of type TATImage, and TATImage type supports
additional Resample and ResampleDelay properties.
- Added: Image's IncrementalDisplay property correctly handled.
- Fixed: ImageFitToWindow works wrong in some cases.
1.6.2 (16.06.2007):
- Added: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel changes image scale.
- Added: IncreaseImageScale method.
- Added: OnImageScaleChange event.
1.6.0 (28.03.2007):
- Changed: License updated to MPL 1.1.
- Fixed: ImageFitToWindow property work.
1.5.9 (04.03.2007):
- Changed: Removed helper units ATx*.pas.
- Changed: One event OnScroll instead of OnVScroll/OnHScroll.
- Fixed: Flickering when ImageKeepPosition is on.
- Added: Focusable property.
1.5.8 (28.02.2007):
- Initial release; previously the code was a part of ATViewer component,
so the such initial number.