Class TSNMPRec
type TSNMPRec = class(TObject)
Data object abstracts SNMP data packet
property SNMPMibList: TList read FSNMPMibList; |
property Version: Integer read FVersion write FVersion; |
property Community: AnsiString read FCommunity write FCommunity; |
property PDUType: Integer read FPDUType write FPDUType; |
property ID: Integer read FID write FID; |
property ErrorStatus: Integer read FErrorStatus write FErrorStatus; |
property ErrorIndex: Integer read FErrorIndex write FErrorIndex; |
property NonRepeaters: Integer read FErrorStatus write FErrorStatus; |
property MaxRepetitions: Integer read FErrorIndex write FErrorIndex; |
property MaxSize: Integer read FMaxSize write FMaxSize; |
property Flags: TV3Flags read FFlags write FFlags; |
property FlagReportable: Boolean read FFlagReportable write FFlagReportable; |
property ContextEngineID: AnsiString read FContextEngineID write FContextEngineID; |
property ContextName: AnsiString read FContextName write FContextName; |
property AuthMode: TV3Auth read FAuthMode write FAuthMode; |
property PrivMode: TV3Priv read FPrivMode write FPrivMode; |
property AuthEngineID: AnsiString read FAuthEngineID write FAuthEngineID; |
property AuthEngineBoots: Integer read FAuthEngineBoots write FAuthEngineBoots; |
property AuthEngineTime: Integer read FAuthEngineTime write FAuthEngineTime; |
property AuthEngineTimeStamp: Cardinal read FAuthEngineTimeStamp Write FAuthEngineTimeStamp; |
property UserName: AnsiString read FUserName write FUserName; |
property Password: AnsiString read FPassword write FPassword; |
property AuthKey: AnsiString read FAuthKey write FAuthKey; |
property PrivPassword: AnsiString read FPrivPassword write FPrivPassword; |
property PrivKey: AnsiString read FPrivKey write FPrivKey; |
property OldTrapEnterprise: AnsiString read FOldTrapEnterprise write FOldTrapEnterprise; |
property OldTrapHost: AnsiString read FOldTrapHost write FOldTrapHost; |
property OldTrapGen: Integer read FOldTrapGen write FOldTrapGen; |
property OldTrapSpec: Integer read FOldTrapSpec write FOldTrapSpec; |
property OldTrapTimeTicks: Integer read FOldTrapTimeTicks write FOldTrapTimeTicks; |
constructor Create; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function DecodeBuf(Buffer: AnsiString): Boolean; |
Decode SNMP packet in buffer to object properties.
function EncodeBuf: AnsiString; |
Encode obeject properties to SNMP packet.
procedure Clear; |
Clears all object properties to default values.
procedure MIBAdd(const MIB, Value: AnsiString; ValueType: Integer); |
Add entry to SNMPMibList. For queries use value as empty string, and ValueType as ASN1_NULL.
procedure MIBDelete(Index: Integer); |
Delete entry from SNMPMibList.
function MIBGet(const MIB: AnsiString): AnsiString; |
Search SNMPMibList list for MIB and return correspond value.
function MIBCount: integer; |
return number of entries in MIB array.
function MIBByIndex(Index: Integer): TSNMPMib; |
Return MIB information from given row of MIB array.
property SNMPMibList: TList read FSNMPMibList; |
List of TSNMPMib objects.
property Version: Integer read FVersion write FVersion; |
Version of SNMP packet. Default value is 0 (SNMP ver. 1). You can use value 1 for SNMPv2c or value 3 for SNMPv3.
property Community: AnsiString read FCommunity write FCommunity; |
Community string for autorize access to SNMP server. (Case sensitive!) Community string is not used in SNMPv3! Use UserName and Password instead!
property PDUType: Integer read FPDUType write FPDUType; |
Define type of SNMP operation.
property ID: Integer read FID write FID; |
Contains ID number. Not need to use.
property ErrorStatus: Integer read FErrorStatus write FErrorStatus; |
When packet is reply, contains error code. Supported values are defined by E* constants.
property ErrorIndex: Integer read FErrorIndex write FErrorIndex; |
Point to error position in reply packet. Not usefull for users. It only good for debugging!
property NonRepeaters: Integer read FErrorStatus write FErrorStatus; |
special value for GetBulkRequest of SNMPv2 and v3.
property MaxRepetitions: Integer read FErrorIndex write FErrorIndex; |
special value for GetBulkRequest of SNMPv2 and v3.
property MaxSize: Integer read FMaxSize write FMaxSize; |
Maximum message size in bytes for SNMPv3. For sending is default 1472 bytes.
property Flags: TV3Flags read FFlags write FFlags; |
Specify if message is authorised or encrypted. Used only in SNMPv3.
property FlagReportable: Boolean read FFlagReportable write FFlagReportable; |
For SNMPv3.... If is True
, SNMP agent must send reply (at least with some error).
property ContextEngineID: AnsiString read FContextEngineID write FContextEngineID; |
For SNMPv3. If not specified, is used value from AuthEngineID
property ContextName: AnsiString read FContextName write FContextName; |
For SNMPv3.
property AuthMode: TV3Auth read FAuthMode write FAuthMode; |
For SNMPv3. Specify Authorization mode. (specify used hash for authorization)
property PrivMode: TV3Priv read FPrivMode write FPrivMode; |
For SNMPv3. Specify Privacy mode.
property AuthEngineID: AnsiString read FAuthEngineID write FAuthEngineID; |
value used by SNMPv3 authorisation for synchronization with SNMP agent.
property AuthEngineBoots: Integer read FAuthEngineBoots write FAuthEngineBoots; |
value used by SNMPv3 authorisation for synchronization with SNMP agent.
property AuthEngineTime: Integer read FAuthEngineTime write FAuthEngineTime; |
value used by SNMPv3 authorisation for synchronization with SNMP agent.
property AuthEngineTimeStamp: Cardinal read FAuthEngineTimeStamp Write FAuthEngineTimeStamp; |
value used by SNMPv3 authorisation for synchronization with SNMP agent.
property UserName: AnsiString read FUserName write FUserName; |
SNMPv3 authorization username
property Password: AnsiString read FPassword write FPassword; |
SNMPv3 authorization password
property AuthKey: AnsiString read FAuthKey write FAuthKey; |
For SNMPv3. Computed Athorization key from Password.
property PrivPassword: AnsiString read FPrivPassword write FPrivPassword; |
SNMPv3 privacy password
property PrivKey: AnsiString read FPrivKey write FPrivKey; |
For SNMPv3. Computed Privacy key from PrivPassword.
property OldTrapEnterprise: AnsiString read FOldTrapEnterprise write FOldTrapEnterprise; |
MIB value to identify the object that sent the TRAPv1.
property OldTrapHost: AnsiString read FOldTrapHost write FOldTrapHost; |
Address of TRAPv1 sender (IP address).
property OldTrapGen: Integer read FOldTrapGen write FOldTrapGen; |
Generic TRAPv1 identification.
property OldTrapSpec: Integer read FOldTrapSpec write FOldTrapSpec; |
Specific TRAPv1 identification.
property OldTrapTimeTicks: Integer read FOldTrapTimeTicks write FOldTrapTimeTicks; |
Number of 1/100th of seconds since last reboot or power up. (for TRAPv1)
Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2012-04-23 21:38:51