Class TNNTPSend
type TNNTPSend = class(TSynaClient)
abstract(Implementation of Network News Transfer Protocol.
Note: Are you missing properties for setting Username and Password? Look to parent TSynaClient object!
Are you missing properties for specify server address and port? Look to parent TSynaClient too!
constructor Create; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function Login: Boolean; |
Connects to NNTP server and begin session.
function Logout: Boolean; |
Logout from NNTP server and terminate session.
function DoCommand(const Command: string): boolean; |
By this you can call any NNTP command.
function DoCommandRead(const Command: string): boolean; |
by this you can call any NNTP command. This variant is used for commands for download information from server.
function DoCommandWrite(const Command: string): boolean; |
by this you can call any NNTP command. This variant is used for commands for upload information to server.
function GetArticle(const Value: string): Boolean; |
Download full message to Data property. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).
function GetBody(const Value: string): Boolean; |
Download only body of message to Data property. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).
function GetHead(const Value: string): Boolean; |
Download only headers of message to Data property. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).
function GetStat(const Value: string): Boolean; |
Get message status. Value can be number of message or message-id (in brackets).
function SelectGroup(const Value: string): Boolean; |
Select given group.
function IHave(const MessID: string): Boolean; |
Tell to server 'I have mesage with given message-ID.' If server need this message, message is uploaded to server.
function GotoLast: Boolean; |
Move message pointer to last item in group.
function GotoNext: Boolean; |
Move message pointer to next item in group.
function ListGroups: Boolean; |
Download to Data property list of all groups on NNTP server.
function ListNewGroups(Since: TDateTime): Boolean; |
Download to Data property list of all groups created after given time.
function NewArticles(const Group: string; Since: TDateTime): Boolean; |
Download to Data property list of message-ids in given group since given time.
function PostArticle: Boolean; |
Upload new article to server. (for new messages by you)
function SwitchToSlave: Boolean; |
Tells to remote NNTP server 'I am not NNTP client, but I am another NNTP server'.
function Xover(xoStart, xoEnd: string): boolean; |
Call NNTP XOVER command.
function StartTLS: Boolean; |
Call STARTTLS command for upgrade connection to SSL/TLS mode.
function FindCap(const Value: string): string; |
Try to find given capability in extension list. This list is getted after successful login to NNTP server. If extension capability is not found, then return is empty string.
function ListExtensions: Boolean; |
Try get list of server extensions. List is returned in Data property.
property ResultCode: Integer read FResultCode; |
Result code number of last operation.
property ResultString: string read FResultString; |
String description of last result code from NNTP server.
property Data: TStringList read FData; |
Readed data. (message, etc.)
property AutoTLS: Boolean read FAutoTLS Write FAutoTLS; |
If is set to True
, then upgrade to SSL/TLS mode after login if remote server support it.
property FullSSL: Boolean read FFullSSL Write FFullSSL; |
SSL/TLS mode is used from first contact to server. Servers with full SSL/TLS mode usualy using non-standard TCP port!
Socket object used for TCP/IP operation. Good for seting OnStatus hook, etc.
Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2012-04-23 21:38:51