
  1. Unpack the package files into a directory.
  2. Start Delphi IDE.
  3. Open Packages\dklangN.dpk (where N is your Delphi version: 6 for Delphi 6, 7 for Delphi 7, 9 for BDS 2005, 10 for BDS 2006) and click Compile.
  4. Open Packages\dcldklangN.dpk (where N is again your Delphi version), click Compile, then click Install.
  5. Close the files (don't save the changes if any).
  6. Add the path to DKLang.pas to the IDE library path.

Notice that both compiled packages (dklangN.bpl and dcldklangN.bpl) must reside in a directory listed in system PATH (usually packages are compiled to ...\Borland\DelphiN\Projects\Bpl (Delphi 6 and 7) or personal folder\Borland Studio Projects\Bpl (Delphi 8+)).

If you're upgrading: don't forget to read Upgrading from previous versions section.