- Unpack the package files into a directory.
- Start Delphi IDE.
- Open Packages\dklangN.dpk (where N is your Delphi version: 6 for Delphi 6, 7 for Delphi 7, 9 for BDS
2005, 10 for BDS 2006) and click Compile.
- Open Packages\dcldklangN.dpk (where N is again your Delphi version), click Compile, then
click Install.
- Close the files (don't save the changes if any).
- Add the path to DKLang.pas to the IDE library path.
Notice that both compiled packages (dklangN.bpl and dcldklangN.bpl) must reside in a directory listed
in system PATH (usually packages are compiled to ...\Borland\DelphiN\Projects\Bpl (Delphi 6 and 7) or
personal folder\Borland Studio Projects\Bpl (Delphi 8+)).
If you're upgrading: don't forget to read Upgrading from previous versions