The Customizer Demo uses dxgettext ( to translate the strings to various languages. Unfortunately the translations are not complete: ar (Arabic): 100% translated (Ammar I) de (German): 73% translated (Thomas Speck) es (Spanish): 100% translated (Robert Lee) fi (Finnish): 73% translated (Tapio Saarikumpu) fr (French): 73% translated (Bob Baudewyns) ja (Japanese): 100% translated (Minoru Yoshida) ko (Korean): 100% translated (Hyeonwoo Oh) nl (Dutch): 73% translated (Alfred Vink) pt_BR (Brazilian): 73% translated (Mauricio Magnani) ru (Russian): 73% translated (Alexey Naumov) sr_Cyrillic (Serbian): 73% translated (Marko Binic) sr_Latin (Serbian): 73% translated (Marko Binic) sv (Swedish): 73% translated (Mattias Andersson) tr (Turkish): 73% translated (Zylar) uk (Ukranian): 100% translated (Roman Sokhan) zh_CN (Chinese): 100% translated (Beta Xiong) You can edit the translations with Notepad, just open the corresponding po file of the language. For example to edit the Chinese translation open the \locale\zh_CN\LC_MESSAGES\default.po file with Notepad and edit the msgstr entries. You can also use a PoEdit ( to edit the files. To create a new translation for a different language use the default.po file template located in the locale directory. If you improve one of the translations please send it to me, my mail address is on: