Important Release News X.X.06 - Release of EasyNSE 1.1.0 - Added check to allow TEasyNamespaceFolder.ParseDisplayName to pass a nil value for pchEaten. 8.3.06 - Release of EasyNSE 1.0.0 - Fixed bug in EasyDataContainer at design time. References were not set to nil if objects connected to the container were deleted. - Fixed for BDS2006 - Fixed how registry registration was done. Not writing to correct place if user only registration. - Added functions to programmatically install remove Shell and namespace Extensions RegUnregNSE, RegisterNSE, UnregisterNSE all in the EasyCommonObjects.pas file. - Added Property to context menu items to set an Caption Margin for the left edge of the caption 2.18.06 - Release of EasyNSE 1.0.0a Alpha - Fixed bug in Namespace Extension Demo - Added TEasyContainer.ReleaseFolder event to allow apps to release resources when Explorer is done with the IShellFolder instance. See the Namespace Extension Demo for one way to use this event. Note that this can be called a lot. Explorer creates and destroys IShellFolders with a vengeance so if it takes a long time to enumerate a data set I would take the memory hit of having the data always in memory