This handler adds a Data Handler extension to all *.pas files. At first the usefulness of this extension was lost in the lack luster documentation, but now it is clear it is a very powerful extension. Run the Register batch file and select a *.pas file in Explorer. Copy it to the clipboard in some manner, context menu, keyboard shortcut, menu choices. Now open Word or WordPad and select Edit > Paste Special. Notice there is two unusual formats in the list: HTML and Unformated text. Paste one of these two formats. Thanks to SynEdit for the Delphi to HTML converter code. If you want to check out the full blown SynEdit package download it from: To unregister run the UnRegister batch file. Because SynEdit references the Menus unit the Forms unit is pulled in regardless of the conditional defines in EasyNSE. The resulting DLL will be 400k+ :^(