To enabled Unicode this this library open the ${Install}\Source\ file and search for the following: // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use unicode-aware inplace editors. This implementation uses Troy Wolbrink's // TNT controls, which can be found at: {.$DEFINE TNTSUPPORT} Then uncomment the TNTSUPPORT define like this: {$DEFINE TNTSUPPORT} Now open the package for the library and recompile. The compile will warn you to add the Tnt package to the library. Say yes. The package will compile, save and exit. ************* IMPORTANT ******************* YOU MUST ADD THE TNT PACKAGE TO THE REQIRES CLAUSE IN THE EASYLISTVIEW DPK PACKAGE FILE AND RECOMPILE THE PACKAGES. DO NOT JUST UNCOMMENT OUT THE TNTSUPPORT DEFINE AND RECOMPILE You will now have access to Unicode methods and the library will be Unicode enabled. Jim