Mustangpeak UltraExplorer Most of this code originated from svn:// around 2010 or 2011, before the repository and web site closed down. Last changes by Mustangpeak seem to have been made 19 Nov 2010. Several units edited in 2010. Last built with Delphi 7. Now being built by Magenta Systems Ltd, with Delphi 2007. Beware lots of libraries must be installed first to open this project. Only built with TNT Unicode controls. Long term plan build with Delphi 10.2 Rio or later, 64-bit. There are two main folders: ue=libs contains all (probably) of the libraries that must be installed into Delphi 2007 before the main application can be opened. Open UltraExpLibs.groupproj and generally build and install in the project order, except TNT must be installed before anything else, all the source directories need to be added to the Win32 Library Path in Delphi Options, similar to the following if you install them in C:\DelphiComp\ : C:\DelphiComp\TntUnicodeControls\Source;C:\DelphiComp\tb2k\Source;C:\DelphiComp\ATViewer\Source; C:\DelphiComp\SpTBXLib\Source;C:\DelphiComp\MustangpeakCommonLibrary\Source;C:\DelphiComp\EasyShellTools\Source; C:\DelphiComp\VirtualShellTools2.0\Source;C:\DelphiComp\VirtualTreeview\Source;c:\delphicomp\virtualtreeview; C:\DelphiComp\GraphicEx;C:\DelphiComp\pngimage;C:\DelphiComp\dklang-old;C:\DelphiComp\cooltray; C:\DelphiComp\EasyListview\Source;C:\DelphiComp\synapse40\source\lib;c:\delphicomp\printpreview; C:\DelphiComp\EasyNSE\Source ue-apps contains the main UltraExplorer application and some smaller projects, not really looked at them since undocumented. There is a Inno setup script in the setup folder, which builds the files in release into the setup application in release\setup. Beware this is a beta version never properly released by Mustandpeak and only tested for a couple of weeks here, probably not using many features. KNOWN ISSUE - there is an exception on exit, may leave instance running, not found the reason yet, dozens of components on the main form all being destroyed, not necessarily in the correct order.