Unit ssl_cryptlib

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


SSL/SSH plugin for CryptLib

This plugin requires cl32.dll at least version 3.2.0! It can be used on Win32 and Linux. This library is staticly linked - when you compile your application with this plugin, you MUST distribute it with Cryptib library, otherwise you cannot run your application!

It can work with keys and certificates stored as PKCS#15 only! It must be stored as disk file only, you cannot load them from memory! Each file can hold multiple keys and certificates. You must identify it by 'label' stored in TSSLCryptLib.PrivateKeyLabel.

If you need to use secure connection and authorize self by certificate (each SSL/TLS server or client with client authorization), then use TCustomSSL.PrivateKeyFile, TSSLCryptLib.PrivateKeyLabel and TCustomSSL.KeyPassword properties.

If you need to use server what verifying client certificates, then use TCustomSSL.CertCAFile as PKCS#15 file with public keyas of allowed clients. Clients with non-matching certificates will be rejected by cryptLib.

This plugin is capable to create Ad-Hoc certificates. When you start SSL/TLS server without explicitly assigned key and certificate, then this plugin create Ad-Hoc key and certificate for each incomming connection by self. It slowdown accepting of new connections!

You can use this plugin for SSHv2 connections too! You must explicitly set TCustomSSL.SSLType to value LT_SSHv2 and set TCustomSSL.Username and TCustomSSL.Password. You can use special SSH channels too, see TCustomSSL.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TSSLCryptLib class implementing CryptLib SSL/SSH plugin.

Generated by PasDoc 0.9.0 on 2012-04-23 21:38:51