In BCB you will need to add NO_WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN to your project's conditional defines (Project Options | Directories/Conditionals) - this solves the Undefined symbol 'IQueryInfo' error in VirtualShellTypes.hpp. In BCB6, you'll have to replace wrong files in $(BCB)\Include with corresponding files in CBuilder\C6\Include. Strange, I know. Make backup copies... -------- How to build Demos in BCB5 -------- 1. Run C++ Builder, menu File/New Application | 2. Open Project Manager, delete Unit1 from project 3. Decide which demo you want to compile and save project to the corresponding folder with some reasonable name, e.g. the original one (filename.dpr) with C5 appended. 4. Open Delphi project in a viewer (Notepad), and look for the "uses" keyword. After this, there is something like Forms, Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {Form1}, InfoForm in 'InfoForm.pas' {Form2}; So, you'll have to add Unit1.pas and InfoForm.pas to the project. First, look below line Application.Initialize; there is this or something similar: Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1); Application.CreateForm(TFormInfo, FormInfo); You have to add the files in this order. It will be probably the same as in the "uses" clause. Use Project Manager right-click on ...C5.exe to add files. 5. I recommend opening Project/Project Source and deleting the paths, and manually save the file. In BCB6, the paths are stored in .bpr file. 6. In Project Options/Directories and Conditionals, in both "Include Files" and "Library Files" delete the path to your files, since "." is always used. Add $(BCB)\Projects\Intermed to "Library Files". 7. Build the project and add the paths to any missing files to "Library Files" (.obj and .res), or "Include Paths" (.hpp). E.g., I have to add paths ..\..\VirtualTreeView and ..\Source\VirtualExplorerTree to Library paths. 8. On the second try, it should run.