Nov 23, 2007 Version 1.7.2 *Optimized FindLongestCaption method a bit * Added check for IDataObject = nil * Fixed typo with ettNoneWithSpace * Fixed problem with group still responding to the Expand/Collapse function in code even if the group was tagged as non collapsable * Fixed drawing bug with Hilighted (colored) sort column. * Added support for InsertMark to drag and drop reordering of items see the Overview demo under Drag and Drop * Fixed drawing bug in selection rectangle * Added support for custom thread extractions. See the new Threaded Thumbnails demo. Sept 3, 2007 Version 1.7.0 - Ghosted property messed up stream. - Added more checks to keep ELV editor from starting to edit when control being destroyed causing AV. - Added OnAfterPaint event - Fixed some problems with the List mode SnapHorzView - Added a Header.ClickColumn procedure to simulate a column Click - Added a TopItem property to get the top item in the current window - Fixed a problem with the always show header and List mode when scrolling horizontal - Fixed a bug in the NextVisible enumerator with multiple Groups - Added support of the middle button, were not calling events - Reworked how MakeVisible function in the collection items works - Optimized the grid rebuild function. Creates items about 25% faster - Added a new param to OnItemCompare to override the default sorting method. - New method addded: TEasySelectionManager.FocusFirst - Changed the was Parent Font Notification was handled. It did not work like other controls - Reworked the way the scrollbars where handled for less flicker - Refactored to allow descendants to override the DoDragDrop call - OnOLEDragDrop event changed. Sorry this will cause problems in current applications. Now has a parameter to cancel the default behavior of the drop. - Fixed bug in GridLine painting - Fixed bug with Interfaced items and deleting the items. - Fixed bug where OLE drop still possible with DragManager not enabled. - Improved the item focusing, when an item is deleted the next visible item will be selected. - Fixed problem with themed "+" button for group expanding when font <> 96 DPI - Added AllowHiddenCheckedItems property - Added Categories to Events at Designtime - Added OnScroll event. - Removed the Sort.BeginUpdate/EndUpdate within the ELV.BeginUpdate/EndUpdate I hope this does not lead to strange problems but it was sorting too much. - Added a Selection.PopupMode to keep the selection color normal when the Listview was not Focused - Fixed potiental AV when an IDataObject was created by EasyListview and was kept alive past the time when the EasyListview that created it was destroyed. - Fixed bug in VCL Drag and Drop when autoscrolling during the drag, it would cancel the D&D. - Fixed bug in TEasyHeader.FixedSingleColumn when resizing the Listview - Added an TEasyOLEDragManager.DragTarget boolean property to track when the window is a potential drop point. - Fixed bug with the Context Menu and dual monitors - Refactored the Taskband classes to better override them - Fixed bug with click Selecting - Added test to make sure the header is large enough for the current Font - If the image is larger then the cell size in Thumbnail View the image is StretchBlt to fit in the Cell - The edit was not canceled when the mouse was double clicked. - Fixed bug with Header columns with the Bold property set. Text was truncated with ... - Selection AnchorItem not cleared if the cached Item was Freed. Caused AV - Fixed alignment issue with Text - Fixed Task Panels showing in design positions before becoming anchored to TaskBand window. - Refactored the Selection Drawing Code - Fixed bug with GroupSelection, AlphaBlending, and Gradient selection properties set. - Fixed bug where context menu would open after a right drag select. - Added MouseGestures event to use mouse movements with the mouse down to execute and action (some call them Strokes) - Added ViewRect property to TEasyCollection items - Updated Hint Demo - Fixed bug with Context Menus - Fixed problem with mouse wheel when switching between a horz view and a vert view - Fixed bug in TaskBand Panels at design time. The Delphi Designer would not open the Form. - Added support for the "DropDown Button" in the header as in Vista. Still needs to draw with the Vista Themes correctly. See the Full Demo. - Fixed bug in the in place Editor message hook - Fixed the way the header autosize works. Now it is a property (on by default) to automatically size the header based on the font. Also the margin above and below the font is now adjustable - Fixed bug in the TaskPanels/TaskBand where horz scroll bar would be shown when it was not suppose to be. - Changed the way the embedded TaskPanels in the TaskBand are destroyed. Could cause the application to not shut - Removed some Gradient drawing functions that were not used (had been moved to common library) - Fixed drawing problem with scrollbars (needed invalidating) - Fixed problems with compiling without the USETHEMES conditional define - Fixed compiling problems in D5 and earlier with property Categories. D5 and earlier will not support property Categories in the Object Inspector. - Fixed AV with EditManager Font if using the Font editor dialog. - A lot of changes in the Incremental Search code. Should mimic Explorer now. - Worked on AutoSize for the List view and Small Icon View. Not quite there yet. - Published the Color property for TEasyColumn - Added a TEasyListview.HintAlignment property for the Popup Hints - Added a DoEditKeyDown method for Cell Editor Classes to override - Columns (the header portion) now take on the current Header Color when created by default. - Fixed problem if Scrollbar was on Left size of window - Fixed problem with Caption Indent not being used in TEasyColumns if Right Justified - Fixed TCanvas memory leak - Added FindLongestCaption method to TEasyGrid class - Fixed problem with TEasyColumn clipping text if Font was bold - Fixed designtime issue with setting the Font using the dialog box - Fixed streaming bug, should be transparent to current users - Changed event prototype of OnIncrementalSearch, if you just delete your event handler EasyListview will handle the search itself by default now. - Fixed bug in reseting mouse gestures - Fixed bug with Header.FixedSingleColumn if set in component constructor - Fixed bug with Group band margins - Finally found bug with EasyListview/D2007 and Vista - Fixed bug with PaintInfo and TaskBands Mar 18, 2007 Version 1.6.0 - Fixed bug in Column Clear method. Could cause an AV - Fixed bug that could cause AV on item deletion - Fixed inplaced editors not Themed - Fixed bug in autosort - IMPORTANT: Some will hate it some will love it but I found a way to move VirtualShellUtilities into the common library so TNamespace can be used without the Shell Components. It is Unicode enabled by using TntControls and the {$DEFINE TNTSUPPORT} like most other Mustangpeak libraries. CommonLibrary, EasyListview and VSTools 2.0 all must be updated and rebuild, along with VirtualShellUtilities changed to MPShellUtilities in your projects. Also a number of the strings that went with VirtualShellUtilities in VirtualResources.pas are now found in MPResources.pas so this unit may need to be added to your projects as well. - Fixed problem with USETHEMES define. - Added invalidation of window for full row select. - Added support for TileDetails to contain an index of -1 that indicates no Details string for that line. - Modified streaming system for TEasyCollectionItem and descendants. It is not 100% foolproof that it will not have a problem with existing streams but the odds very good. - Implemented StateImages for Details View. - Fixed drawing bug with Details view and the headers if no images were used. - Fixed bug where in Details view the editor for the last item would be too small and cut off the bottom of the text. - Fixed bug with inplace string editors and showing their context menus - Fixed compile error with D5 and the soCurrent/soFromCurrent types - Fixed bug with DblClick and autoresizing the columns in the header. - Fixed but on selection rect drawing with Listview in details mode and full row select - Added support to shortcircut the drawing lockout with UpdateCount > 0 (for popup dialog that show when drawing is locked out) - Added OnItemGetEditMenu event to show a custom menu for the Item Editor. - Fixed bug with PageUp/Down in Report View - Fixed bug in the inplace editor when a the app ran under XP and not with a manifest - Added Header.ShowInAllViews to show the header in all views as in Vista. Allows sorting in any view through clicking the Header - Added shortcut key support for Ctl + to autofit all Column - Added OnItemStructureChange, OnGroupStructureChange, and OnColumnStructureChange to detect when an object is added, deleted, or moved in the Collection - Fixed bug in the Groups.ItemByPoint function when the header was displayed - Added MakeAllVisible to make all groups and items in the control Visible - Added Header.AutoFitAllColumns to auto size all column to fit Data - Fixed bug where scrollbars not shown after double clicking in sizing area of Header to autosize the Column - Added support to help descendants cancel out of drag operations by clearing the ebcs{x}ButtonDown flags in the MouseDown event. - Fixed bug where a ELV on a form with hotkeys would first the hotkey instead of selecting items if IncrementalSearch was used. - Fixed bug with Focusing of ELV - Fixed possible AV if ELV size was zero - Fixed bug in header.AlwaysShowHeader and flickering of Scrollbars - Fixed flickering in the scrollbar in Report mode when sizing the columns. - Fixed bug with Horz scrolling and the WheelMouse in List View. - Fixed bug in Header.Columns.VisibleCount property - Fixed inplace text editors to support CTL-A to select all the text - Added "Visible" enumerators to the Header.Columns - Added support for "snapping" of the horz scrollbar on column boundaries in List mode. - Fixed problem with view not resizing when header double clicked to autofit. - Fixed problem with Taskband and horizontal scrollbar - Added Edit.Color and Edit.Font to customize the Edit box. - Fixed problem with items being painted over the Header - Fixed problem with Taskband and not scrolling far enough when expanding/collapsing bands - Fixed PageDown problems with Items view - Changed TImageList to TCustomImageList to allow for 3rd party image packages to work better with ELV - Added a Ghosted property to TEasyCollectionItem - Fixed bug in the Vista type Blended Selection when AlphaBlend is enabled where the first and last columns of pixels were not alpha blended. - Changed FullCellPaint to subtract 2 pixels from the edges when in Icon modes so the selection are not touching each other. Nov 24, 2006 Version 1.5.0 Prerelease - WARNING WARNING WARNING: A bug was discovered in the streaming of the Collection Items (the core class for Items, Groups and Columns). I had to fix it to make the streaming extendable in the future.. and now. I extended TEasyColumn in the last release so that means that all designtime AND persistent streams that contain the ELV Header information will crash on start up. The problem is the wrong stream version was written to the stream so there is no way to identify it on read in. It will give a stream read error when it is loaded. I can't apologize enough for this mistake, it will be a painful upgrade. - Fixed bug in the Collection Editor that caused a random AV in the IDE if the ELV was deleted Nov 23, 2006 Version 1.5.0 Prerelease - OnCustomView event has been renamed to OnItemCustomView and OnGroupCustomView and OnColumnCustomView added. this will break your DFM file sorry... but it had to be changed. - Some internal renaming of classes, for the TEasy... prefix - Reworked the way the default views were stored. They are no longer stored a static properties they call the new event handlers and dynamically callback everytime they are needed - This means the way the View property works. This should fix the issue in the last SVN update - TEAsyColumn.AutoToggleSort has been renamed to TEAsyColumn.AutoToggleSortGlyph to more accurately reflect what it does. It should translate to the new property in the DFM without notice - There is a new property TEasyColumn.AutoSortOnClick. This causes the Sorter to sort the list if the header is clicked even if the ELV.Sort.AutoSort is False. - Added TEasyBaseTaskBand.AutoScrollPanels to allow for the scroll bars of the panels to be shown or not used if the band is smaller then the Panel - Fixed a bug in the Theming with the TaskPanels - Fixed bug in NavigateItemInternal, gave an AV under special conditions - Added default parameter to DeleteSelected procedure DeleteSelected(SelectPrevItem: Boolean = False); - Added: function CanMoveDown: Boolean; function CanMoveUp: Boolean; function MoveDown: Boolean; function MoveUp: Boolean; to allow selected items to be moved up or down. Make sure AutoSort is off. Nov 12, 2006 Version 1.5.0 Prerelease - YOU MUST UPGRADE THE COMMON LIBRARY TO VERSION 1.5.0 FIRST.............................. - Renamed and moved IEasyExtractObj to ICommonExtractObj in the Common Library Package - Moved and renamed the follow to the Common Library Package TWideStringDynArray to TCommonWideStringDynArray TIntegerDynArray to TCommonIntegerDynArray; TEasyFormatEtcArray to TCommonFormatEtcArray TEasyVAlignment to TCommonVAlignment - Number of renamings to support the above changes - Added new component TEasyTaskPanelBand see the TaskPanel demo. New panels are created in the File > New > Other... and the "New" tab under "EasyListview TaskPanel" - New demo for the TEasyTaskPanelBand - Moved the EasyDataObject into the Common Library Package (CommonDataObject) - Added new Gradient "glass effect" (similar to vista) for item selection, see the Overview Demo. - Added an OnPaintBkGnd event for custom painting of the background, see to Overview Demo. - Added properties to the ELV.Background object to allow for text to be shown in the background, see the Overview demo. - Added OnClipboardXXXX events to handle custom clipboard actions - Changed the way the focus rectangle was drawn to be consistent with VirtualTreevew - Fixed issues with Column captions and fonts, caused a lot of "C..." with plenty of room for the text. - Added option to hide the caption in Thumbnail and Filmstrip views (ELV.PaintInfoItem.HideCaption) Oct 8, 2006 - Published the Tag property in the stored collection items - Added SetSize to TEasyCellSize - Minor fixes - Fixed bug with ContextMenu hotkeys - Fixed problem with - Fixed bug with context menu showing after right mouse drag/drop - Fix for flicker if selection when drag selecting - Added TNTSUPPORT compiler define to to enable unicode-aware inplace editors. - Fixed bug with context menu showing after right mouse drag/drop - Added an ELV.Selection.SelectedToArray method to return the selected items in an array - Added an ELV.Selection.DeleteSelected method - Major internal change to adding/deleting items. For large data sets the speed of the control may be significantly slower. This is because the items are reindexed for every addition and deleting of an item for robustness under all conditions. This can be manually shutoff with the new property ReIndexDisable. For instance: ELV.Items.ReIndexDisable := True; try // Add the items here finally ELV.Items.ReIndexDisable := False end or ELV.Groups.ReIndexDisable := True; try // Add the items here finally ELV.Groups.ReIndexDisable := False end; - Added SpTBX support for painting. Need to add the conditional define "SpTBX" - Fixed bug when setting a custom PaintInfo object to an Item - Fixed bug where drag selection would unselect item if the selection rect was (0, 0, 0, 0); - Reworked the order for when the LosingSelection, LosingFocus, and LosingVisiblility was being called during an item destruction. Should make it more robust. - Fixed problem with grouping and disabling reindexing - Added OnItemMouseDown/Up events - Fixed some painting bugs in Thumbnail view. - Added internal streaming versioning to update stream without invalidating older streams - The Edit method now takes a column parameter. This will put different columns into edit mode in report view. This is not a great solution since there is no visual feedback that you can actually put the columns into edit mode - MakeVisible now functional for the columns in ReportMode - Added FirstVisibleColumn, NextVisibleColumn, PrevVisibleColumn, LastVisibleColumn to the Header object - Added support for Grid Lines in ReportView, see the PaintInfoItem.GridLines and GridLineColor. - Added support for hilighting the columns in Report and Grid Mode property HilightFocused: Boolean property HilightFocusedColor: TColor - Fixed bug with new support for grid lines - Fixed Demos to compile with latest changes - Fixed bug with GroupExpand and Collapse Events - Fixed but introduced lat release with column header captions - Added CacheDoubleBufferBits property, it is off by default (different then prev version). If true the bitmap for the background is cached to the current window size. Has a speed advantage at the expense of memory usage. - Changed the sorting to have a Sort.BeginUpdate/EndUpdate to keep from sorting redundantly - Fixed the String Editor so it is an Edit for single line caption views and TMemo for Multiline views. - Added event to allow application to supply the text for the initial edit string - Fixed bug that showed the wrong context menu in report view on the last item if the header was shown - Fixed the ELV.Group.ReIndexDisable property to actually work :^) - Gave the details view a 2 pixel margin on top to not "blend" into the Header - Simplified the code to resize the string edit box - Updated Main Demo to compile with new code. - Minor enhancements (SelectFirst method added) - Bug fixes for last column not resizing if invisible column is the last in the List - Added default parameter to Sort.SortAll to force it to sort regardless of the update Count - Added default value for published property Selection.MouseButtonSelRect - Fixed bug if OLE drag and drop when dragging the headers July 28, 2006 - Complete rework of the component structure, EasyListview now requires the new MustangPeak Common Library components to be installed first. Most issues can in compiling existing EasyListview code can be solved by replacing any missing unit in your compile with... uses MPCommonUtilities, MPCommonObjects, MPShellTypes; If you are using TWideFileStream or TWideStringList I suggest you use the Tnt Unicode package available from There is no point in me duplicating this work. Any function used in the old VirtualUtilities or VirtualWideStrings that ended with a "W" is now like the Tnt functions and begin with "Wide" FileExistsW is now WideFileExists ect... DirExistsW is an exception it maps to WideDirectoryExists If any object that use to be called TVirtualXXXXX or TEasyXXXX it is likely now called TCommonXXXXX and in the MPCommonObjects.pas file of the Mustangpeak Common Library Package. Other issues that may be noticable at design time are: An invalid stream read on a MouseButton type. This was a misspelling so just ignore it. You may have to reset the mouse buttons that will allow a drag select for nondefault buttons (left, right). TEasyKeyStates => TCommonKeyStates TEasyDropEffects => TCommonDropEffects TEasyDropEffect => TCommonDropEffect edeCopy, edeMove, edeLink => cdeCopy, cdeMove, cdeLink edeNone, ..... edeScroll => cdeNone, ..... cdeScroll THDrop => TCommonHDrop TEasyMouseButton => TCommonMouseButton May 28, 2006 - Added ELV.paintInfoItem.ShowBorder to not show a border on views with Borders. - Added TEasyAlphaBlender.BasicBlend with the same parameters as the old blend method. May 27, 2006 - Added OnItemSelectionsChanged to notify when item selection has changed in volumn. OnItemSelectionChange is fired for every item that changes selection state. This new event only fires once when 1 or a block of items has changed selection in one action (SelectAll for instance), Mantis #87 - Finished implementing the Hot-Tracking. - TaskBand Hot-tracking now works as in Explorer, Mantis #83 May 26, 2006 - Release of version 1.0.0 Beta - Added new component TEasySrollButton for more interesting scrolling options. See the ThumbScroller Demo. - Bug fixes. - UPdated the component structure to allow descendants to more easily hide unwanted properties. May 22, 2006 - Fixed bug when deleting items and the scrollbar was not at 0. - Added new TEasyTaskBand component that closely mimics the ExplorerBand in Windows Explorer XP. May 18, 2006 - Added to Tcolumn - property AutoSizeOnDblClk; - property AutoSpring; AutoSizeOnDblClk resized the column to fit all captions if doubled clicks in resize area of the header. AutoSpring works like in VT. The columns try to stay in the same proportion to other columns as the window is resized. May 15, 2006 - Fixed bug in CustomDrawing TEasyAlphaBlender - Added MergeSort to TEasySortManager, Code donated by Milan - Fixed memory leak with AutoGroupSort - Made Interfaced Sorting more robust to unallowed mixed item types (with interfaced sorting ALL items must be of type TEasyInterfacedXXXX) May 14, 2006 - Resizing Column would fire and AutoSort, fixed - Image not clipped if column was at minimum width, fixed - Added to TEasyListview property DisabledBlendAlpha; property DisabledBlendColor; for blending of image when item is disabled. - Added to TEasySelectionManager property BlendAlphaTextRect for blending of selection rectangles on text