//ATBinHex options: {$define NOTIF} //Enable file change notification code. //Should be enabled. {$define PRINT} //Enable printing code. //Should be enabled. //{$define PREVIEW} //Enable ATPrintPreview usage. //Should be disabled. {$define SEARCH} //Enable searching code. //Should be enabled. {$define SCROLL} //Enable workaround for Windows bug: when horiz scrollbar temporary hides, //this may cause both horiz+vertical scrollbars + window border to disappear //completely. This workaround rises users' question: why horiz scrollbar //doesn't hide when lines become short enough. //Should be enabled. //{$define REGEX} //Enable DIRegEx usage. Used for URL hilighting. //Should be enabled (with DIRegEx). //{$define TEST} //Show debug form. //Must be disabled in release.