
First, use the following two units in your application (note that both units must be used):

Printing a bitmap

To call the preview form for a bitmap, use the BitmapPrint function:

function BitmapPrint(
  ABitmap: TBitmap;
  var AOptions: TATPrintOptions): Boolean;

ABitmap: Bitmap to print.
AOptions: Printing options.

True if printing was completed, False if printing was cancelled or some errors occured.

Printing an image

To call the preview form for an image (TImage), use the ImagePrint function:
function ImagePrint(
  AImage: TImage;
  var AOptions: TATPrintOptions): Boolean;

AImage: Image object to print. All image types can be printed: bitmaps, metafiles, icons etc.
AOptions: Printing options.

The same as for the BitmapPrint function.