Universal Viewer application interface ====================================== 1. WM_COPYDATA message: pass data to Viewer. wParam: handle of sender window lParam: pointer to COPYDATASCRUCT record: a) "Open ANSI filename" command: dwData = 100 cbData: ignored lpData: pointer to ANSI filename (zero-terminated) b) "Open Unicode filename" command: dwData = 101 cbData: ignored lpData: pointer to Unicode filename (Unicode zero-terminated) 2. Unofficial command line parameters: /Q - Start Viewer in "Quick View" mode: menu is hidden, hotkeys and message boxes are disabled. /QB - Hide window border+caption. Useful in addition to /Q parameter. If both /Q and /QB params are specified, then only Alt+F4 key can close Viewer. /QT - Hide taskbar icon. Useful in addition to /Q parameter. Extended parameters are intended for third-party tools to work with, such as "Quick View script" by majkinetor.