OverbyteSrvDemo is using a Paradox file thru the BDE. Under Windows 7, you must either run OverbyteSrvDemo as administrator (Not a so good idea) or configure BDE so that it has the required permissions (Better idea). To configure BDE, see this article: http://www.willneumann.net/2008/09/configuring-bde-for-windows7/ Warning: If using 64bit Windows 7, the registry key to change is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Borland BTW: Midware is not dependent at all on BDE. I used a Paradox file because everyone should be able to use it. If I used a database, then this would require the database engine to be installed. Of course in your real applications, you will probably use a SQL database (Firebird, MS-SQL, Oracle, Interbase,...) instead of BDE. In the demos, replace TQuery by the component you want to use to access your database. I mostly use TAdoQuery because I can access many differents databases using the same component. But this is just my preference. -- Francois Piette