[Properties] ArraySize_Value=0 FilePrefix_Text=xfertst FontDialog_FontColor=0 FontDialog_FontHeight=-13 FontDialog_FontName=Courier New FontDialog_FontPitch=0 FontDialog_FontSize=10 FontDialog_FontStyles=xxxx OutDir_Text=C:\svn-repos\ics-information [Properties.CodeMasks_Lines] Item0=CCBoolean - $comp := false ; Item1=CCDouble - $comp := 0 ; Item2=CCInteger - $comp := 0 ; Item3=CCExtInt - $comp := 0 ; Item4=CCString - $comp := '' ; Item5=CCTCheckBoxState - $comp := cbUnchecked ; Item6=CCTFont - $comp := LoadFont ('x') ; Item7=CCTStringList - $comp.Clear ; Item8=CVBoolean - $var := false ; Item9=CVDouble - $var := 0 ; Item10=CVInteger - $var := 0 ; Item11=CVExtInt - $var := 0 ; Item12=CVString - $var := '' ; Item13=CVTCheckBoxState - $var := cbUnchecked ; Item14=CVTFont - $var := LoadFont ('x') ; Item15=CVTStringList - $var.Clear ; Item16=DVBoolean - $var: $type ; Item17=DVDouble - $var: $type ; Item18=DVExtInt- $var: integer ; Item19=DVInteger - $var: $type ; Item20=DVString - $var: $type ; Item21=DVTFont - $var: $type ; Item22=DVTStringList - $var: $type ; Item23=RCBoolean - if ReadString (section, '$lit', 'False') = 'True' then $comp := true else $comp := false ; Item24=RCDouble - $comp := ReadFloat (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item25=RCExtInt - $comp := ReadInteger (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item26=RCInteger - $comp := ReadInteger (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item27=RCString - $comp := ReadString (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item28=RCTCheckBoxState - $comp := TCheckBoxState (ReadInteger (section, '$lit', Ord (cbUnchecked))) ; Item29=RCTFont - $comp := LoadFont ('$lit') ; Item30=RCTStringList - $comp.CommaText := ReadString (section, '$lit', $comp.CommaText) ; Item31=RVBoolean - if ReadString (section, '$lit', 'False') = 'True' then $var := true else $var := false ; Item32=RVDouble - $var := ReadFloat (section, '$lit', 0) ; Item33=RVExtInt - $var := ReadInteger (section, '$lit', 0) ; Item34=RVInteger - $var := ReadInteger (section, '$lit', 0) ; Item35=RVString - $var := ReadString (section, '$lit', '') ; Item36=RVTCheckBoxState - $var := TCheckBoxState (ReadInteger (section, '$lit', Ord (cbUnchecked))) ; Item37=RVTFont - $var := LoadFont ('$lit') ; Item38=RVTStringList - $var.CommaText := ReadString (section, '$lit', '') ; Item39=WCBoolean - if $comp then temp := 'True' else temp := 'False' ; WriteString (section, '$lit', temp) ; Item40=WCDouble - WriteFloat (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item41=WCExtInt - WriteInteger (section, '$lit', Trunc ($comp)) ; Item42=WCInteger - WriteInteger (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item43=WCString - WriteString (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item44=WCTCheckBoxState - WriteInteger (section, '$lit', Ord ($comp)) ; Item45=WCTFont - SaveFont ('$lit', $comp) ; Item46=WCTStringList - WriteString (section, '$lit', $comp.CommaText) ; Item47=WVBoolean - if $var then temp := 'True' else temp := 'False' ; WriteString (section, '$lit', temp) ; Item48=WVDouble - WriteFloat (section, '$lit', $var) ; Item49=WVExtInt - WriteInteger (section, '$lit', Trunc ($var)) ; Item50=WVInteger - WriteInteger (section, '$lit', $var) ; Item51=WVString - WriteString (section, '$lit', $var) ; Item52=WVTCheckBoxState - WriteInteger (section, '$lit', Ord ($var)) ; Item53=WVTFont - SaveFont ('$lit', $var) ; Item54=WVTStringList - WriteString (section, '$lit', $var.CommaText) ; Item55=XRCBoolean - $comp := ReadBool (section, '$lit', false) ; Item56=XRCTStringList - $comp.Clear ;$line J := ReadInteger (section + '.$lit', 'Count', 0) ;$line if J <> 0 then for I := 0 to J - 1 do $tab $comp.Add (ReadString (section + '.$lit',$tab 'Item' + IntToStr (I), '' )) ; Item57=XRVBoolean - $var := ReadBool (section, '$lit', false) ; Item58=XRVTStringList - $var.Clear ; $line J := ReadInteger (section + '.$lit', 'Count', 0) ;$line if J <> 0 then for I := 0 to J - 1 do $tab $var.Add (ReadString (section + '.$lit',$tab 'Item' + IntToStr (I), '' )) ; Item59=XWCBoolean - WriteBool (section, '$lit', $comp) ; Item60=XWCTStringList - EraseSection (section + '.$lit') ;$line if $comp.Count <> 0 then $tab for I := 0 to $comp.Count - 1 do $tab WriteString (section + '.$lit', 'Item' + $tab IntToStr (I), $comp[I]) ; $line WriteInteger (section + '.$lit', 'Count', $comp.Co Item61=XWVBoolean - WriteBool (section, '$lit', $var) ; Item62=XWVTStringList - EraseSection (section + '.$lit') ;$line if $var.Count <> 0 then $tab for I := 0 to $var.Count - 1 do $tab WriteString (section + '.$lit', 'Item' + $tab IntToStr (I), $var [I]) ; $line WriteInteger (section + '.$lit', 'Count', $var.Count Count=63 [Properties.FormComps_Lines] Item0=CopyEmptyDirs: TCheckBox; Item1=CopyFileRepl: TComboBox; Item2=CopyIgnorePath: TEdit; Item3=CopySrcDir: TEdit; Item4=CopySrcFile: TEdit; Item5=CopySubdirs: TCheckBox; Item6=CopyTarDir: TEdit; Item7=CopyWow64Disable: TCheckBox; Item8=DirLogs: TEdit; Item9=Ftp1LocDir: TEdit; Item10=Ftp1Path: TEdit; Item11=Ftp1SrcName: TEdit; Item12=Ftp1UpFile: TEdit; Item13=FtpBandWidth: TEdit; Item14=FtpCopyAllDir: TCheckBox; Item15=FtpDelDone: TCheckBox; Item16=FtpDelOldTar: TCheckBox; Item17=FtpEmptyDirs: TCheckBox; Item18=FtpHost: TComboBox; Item19=FtpIgnorePath: TEdit; Item20=FtpIgnoreUtf8: TCheckBox; Item21=FtpKeepAlive: TEdit; Item22=FtpLocDir: TEdit; Item23=FtpMultiFileRepl: TComboBox; Item24=FtpNoCrc: TCheckBox; Item25=FtpNoFeatCmd: TCheckBox; Item26=FtpNoHost: TCheckBox; Item27=FtpNoMd5: TCheckBox; Item28=FtpNoTmpFile: TCheckBox; Item29=FtpNoUtf8: TCheckBox; Item30=FtpNoZlib: TCheckBox; Item31=Ftp1DelDone: TCheckBox; Item32=Ftp1FileRepl: TComboBox; Item33=FtpPassive: TCheckBox; Item34=FtpPassword: TEdit; Item35=FtpPath: TEdit; Item36=FtpPort: TEdit; Item37=FtpPortSsl: TEdit; Item38=FtpServerType: TComboBox; Item39=FtpSrcFile: TEdit; Item40=FtpSubdirs: TCheckBox; Item41=FtpUsername: TEdit; Item42=HttpBandWidth: TEdit; Item43=HttpFileRepl: TComboBox; Item44=HttpSrcDir: TMemo; Item45=HttpSrcFile: TComboBox; Item46=HttpTarDir: TEdit; Item47=NetLogon: TEdit; Item48=NetPassword: TEdit; Item49=ReportChain: TCheckBox; Item50=RevokeCheck: TCheckBox; Item51=ShowDiagsHigh: TCheckBox; Item52=ShowDiagsLow: TCheckBox; Item53=ShowDiagsSSL: TCheckBox; Item54=ShowDiagsUtf8: TCheckBox; Item55=ShowXProgesss: TCheckBox; Item56=SslSecurity: TComboBox; Item57=VerifyCertMode: TRadioGroup; Item58=XferSockFamily: TRadioGroup; Item59=FtpFixPassiveLanIP: TCheckBox; Item60=HttpParsePage: TCheckBox; Item61=HttpParseLevels: TEdit; Item62=CleanupType: TRadioGroup; Item63=CleanupDays: TEdit; Item64=CleanupDateFrom: TDateTimePicker; Item65=CleanupDateTo: TDateTimePicker; Item66=CleanupFileMask: TEdit; Item67=CleanupSubDirs: TCheckBox; Item68=CleanupPath: TEdit; Item69=Copy1FileSrc: TEdit; Item70=Copy1FileTar: TEdit; Item71=Copy1Replc: TComboBox; Item72=CopyUnzip: TCheckBox; Item73=CopyZip: TCheckBox; Item74=Ftp1Unzip: TCheckBox; Item75=Ftp1Zip: TCheckBox; Item76=FtpMultiUnzip: TCheckBox; Item77=FtpMultiZip: TCheckBox; Item78=HttpUnzip: TCheckBox; Item79=UnzipDir: TEdit; Item80=UnzipDownDel: TCheckBox; Item81=UnzipZipPath: TRadioGroup; Item82=ZippingExtFmt: TRadioGroup; Item83=ZippingType: TRadioGroup; Count=84 [Properties.OutFiles_Lines] Item0=DV - defvars Item1=RV - readvars Item2=WV - writevars Item3=CV - clearvars Item4=RC - readcomp Item5=WC - writecomp Item6=CC - clearcomp Count=7 [Properties.SavedProps_Lines] Item0=CopyEmptyDirs.Checked - Boolean Item1=CopyFileRepl.ItemIndex - Integer Item2=CopyIgnorePath.Text - String Item3=CopySrcDir.Text - String Item4=CopySrcFile.Text - String Item5=CopySubdirs.Checked - Boolean Item6=CopyTarDir.Text - String Item7=CopyWow64Disable.Checked - Boolean Item8=DirLogs.Text - String Item9=Ftp1LocDir.Text - String Item10=Ftp1Path.Text - String Item11=Ftp1SrcName.Text - String Item12=Ftp1UpFile.Text - String Item13=FtpBandWidth.Text - String Item14=FtpCopyAllDir.Checked - Boolean Item15=FtpDelDone.Checked - Boolean Item16=FtpDelOldTar.Checked - Boolean Item17=FtpEmptyDirs.Checked - Boolean Item18=FtpHost.Text - String Item19=FtpIgnorePath.Text - String Item20=FtpIgnoreUtf8.Checked - Boolean Item21=FtpKeepAlive.Text - String Item22=FtpLocDir.Text - String Item23=FtpMultiFileRepl.ItemIndex - Integer Item24=FtpNoCrc.Checked - Boolean Item25=FtpNoFeatCmd.Checked - Boolean Item26=FtpNoHost.Checked - Boolean Item27=FtpNoMd5.Checked - Boolean Item28=FtpNoTmpFile.Checked - Boolean Item29=FtpNoUtf8.Checked - Boolean Item30=FtpNoZlib.Checked - Boolean Item31=Ftp1DelDone.Checked - Boolean Item32=Ftp1FileRepl.ItemIndex - Integer Item33=FtpPassive.Checked - Boolean Item34=FtpPassword.Text - String Item35=FtpPath.Text - String Item36=FtpPort.Text - String Item37=FtpPortSsl.Text - String Item38=FtpServerType.ItemIndex - Integer Item39=FtpSrcFile.Text - String Item40=FtpSubdirs.Checked - Boolean Item41=FtpUsername.Text - String Item42=HttpBandWidth.Text - String Item43=HttpFileRepl.ItemIndex - Integer Item44=HttpSrcDir.Lines - TStringList Item45=HttpSrcFile.Text - String Item46=HttpTarDir.Text - String Item47=NetLogon.Text - String Item48=NetPassword.Text - String Item49=ReportChain.Checked - Boolean Item50=RevokeCheck.Checked - Boolean Item51=ShowDiagsHigh.Checked - Boolean Item52=ShowDiagsLow.Checked - Boolean Item53=ShowDiagsSSL.Checked - Boolean Item54=ShowDiagsUtf8.Checked - Boolean Item55=ShowXProgesss.Checked - Boolean Item56=SslSecurity.ItemIndex - Integer Item57=VerifyCertMode.ItemIndex - Integer Item58=XferSockFamily.ItemIndex - Integer Item59=FtpFixPassiveLanIP.Checked - Boolean Item60=FtpHost.Items - TStringList Item61=HttpParsePage.Checked - Boolean Item62=HttpParseLevels.Text - String Item63=CleanupDays.Text - String Item64=CleanupDateFrom.Date - Double Item65=CleanupDateTo.Date - Double Item66=CleanupFileMask.Text - String Item67=CleanupSubDirs.Checked - Boolean Item68=CleanupPath.Text - String Item69=Copy1FileTar.Text - String Item70=Copy1Replc.ItemIndex - Integer Item71=Copy1FileSrc.Text - String Item72=CopyUnzip.Checked - Boolean Item73=CopyZip.Checked - Boolean Item74=Ftp1Unzip.Checked - Boolean Item75=Ftp1Zip.Checked - Boolean Item76=FtpMultiUnzip.Checked - Boolean Item77=FtpMultiZip.Checked - Boolean Item78=HttpUnzip.Checked - Boolean Item79=UnzipDir.Text - String Item80=UnzipDownDel.Checked - Boolean Item81=UnzipZipPath.ItemIndex - Integer Item82=ZippingExtFmt.ItemIndex - Integer Item83=ZippingType.ItemIndex - Integer Count=84 [Properties.SuppProps_Lines] Item0=TBCGFilterDialog.Brightness - Integer Item1=TBCGFilterDialog.Contrast - Double Item2=TBCGFilterDialog.Gamma - Double Item3=TCheckBox.Checked - Boolean Item4=TCheckBox.State - TCheckBoxState Item5=TColorComboBox.ColorValue - Integer Item6=TColorComboBox.ItemIndex - Integer Item7=TColorDialog.Color - Integer Item8=TColorDialog.CustomColors - TStringList Item9=TComboBox.Items - TStringList Item10=TComboBox.ItemIndex - Integer Item11=TComboBox.Text - String Item12=TDirectoryEdit.Text - String Item13=TDirectoryListBox.Directory - String Item14=TDriveComboBox.Drive - String Item15=TEdit.Text - String Item16=TFilenameEdit.Text - String Item17=TFontComboBox.Font - TFont Item18=TFontDialog.Font - TFont Item19=TLabel.Caption - String Item20=TLabel.Font - TFont Item21=TListBox.ItemIndex - Integer Item22=TListBox.Items - TStringList Item23=TMaskedEdit.Text - String Item24=TMemo.Lines - TStringList Item25=TMenuItem.Checked - Boolean Item26=TOpenDialog.Filename - String Item27=TOpenDialog.InitialDir - String Item28=TRadioButton.Checked - Boolean Item29=TRadioGroup.ItemIndex - Integer Item30=TSaveDialog.Filename - String Item31=TSaveDialog.InitialDir - String Item32=TSpinEdit.Value - Integer Item33=TDateTimePicker.Date - Double Count=34