{ Uncomment next define in order to turn off version checking of OpenSSL } { library, not recommended. } {.$DEFINE NO_OSSL_VERSION_CHECK} { Uncomment next define in order to support OpenSSL v0.9.7g thru v0.9.8e } { using our own 'hacks' to emulate some C-macros not exported by OpenSSL } { in previous versions. Leave it commented if you want to support OpenSSL } { v0.9.8e and better without using our 'hacks' but newly exported functions, } { default. Ignored in 64-bit and if OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT is not defined. } {.$DEFINE BEFORE_OSSL_098E} { Comment next define in order to include Server Name Indication (SNI). } { If commented undefines "BEFORE_OSSL_098E" and sets minimum OSSL version } { to v0.9.8F. Tested with OSSL v0.9.8k and v0.9.8L, both are built including } { the TLS extensions by default. } {$DEFINE OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT} { Uncommented next define will create files containing debug information if } { the OpenSSL libraries failed to load. } { File names: FailedIcsSSLEAY.txt and FailedIcsLIBEAY.txt } {.$DEFINE LOADSSL_ERROR_FILE} { Uncomment next define if OpenSSL shall use the Delphi memory manager. } { This is very useful to find memory leaks in our SSL code with a memory } { manager capable to report memory leaks such as FastMM with option } { ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutDown enabled. Note that two leaks were always } { reported on shutdown (13 - 20 bytes: Unknown x 2), those are no leaks in ICS } { but obviously in the OpenSSL libraries. } {.$DEFINE OPENSSL_USE_DELPHI_MM} { Uncomment next define to use a few custom resource strings instead of the } { OpenSSL strings. Currently only useful if localized certificate properties } { shall be displayed. } {.$DEFINE OPENSSL_USE_RESOURCE_STRINGS} { Comment next define to include experimental Engine code. } { http://openssl.org/docs/crypto/engine.html } { The default should be "OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE" it's currently very experimental } {$DEFINE OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE} { Do not modify below this line } { -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$IFDEF CPUX64} {$IFDEF BEFORE_OSSL_098E} {$UNDEFINE BEFORE_OSSL_098E} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT} {$IFDEF BEFORE_OSSL_098E} {$UNDEFINE BEFORE_OSSL_098E} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF BEFORE_OSSL_098E} {$IFNDEF OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE} {$DEFINE OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE} // ENGINE code tested since V0.98E {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}